Website &
E-Commerce Solution
Our Services
- Strategic Planning
- UI/UX Design
- Target Group-Oriented Web Design
- Integration of a Versatile Online Shop
- Product Preparation and Maintenance
- Adaptation to Various Customer Segments
- Mobile Optimization
- Data Backup
- SEO Optimization

Revolutionize Your Brand’s Online Presence
For Make-Up Society, which is owned by Avil Paul, a makeup artist who operates an online shop to offer the products she uses in her work to her customers for repurchase, we’ve crafted a new website. This website features not just appealing design but also a fully functional WooCommerce online store. With meticulous attention, we’ve integrated products in various variations to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Additionally, Avil Paul also runs an academy and operates in both the B2B and B2C sectors. It was essential to organize the website in a way that all users can easily find the relevant section for them. Explore how our tailored solution elevates Make-Up Society’s online business to the next level.
The Benefits
Of a customized Website and E-Commerce Solution
- Attractive Design and Functional E-Commerce Solution: Developed a website with an appealing design equipped with a fully functional WooCommerce online store.
- Seamless Shopping Experience: Meticulously integrated products in various variations to ensure a smooth shopping experience.
- Structured User Navigation: The website is organized in a way that both B2B and B2C users can easily find the section relevant to them.
- Support for Business Areas: Additional features to support the academy and other business activities of Avil Paul.
Avril Paul
Make-up Society
After a long struggle with other service providers in this field we are more than satisfied with Volker and Kerstin. We love our website and onlineshop and can warmly recommend their professional service!