Brand Identity

Let CG Motive shape a distinctive brand identity for you, with our comprehensive design services that ensure consistency and impact across all touchpoints.


Logo Design

CG Motive creates iconic logos that embody your brand’s values and leave a lasting impression on your audience.


Corporate Design

We develop a comprehensive corporate design that is tailored to your brand strategy and strengthens your professional image.


Brand Guidelines Development

We develops detailed brand guidelines to ensure consistency in how your brand is presented and used across all platforms.


Brand Assets Creation

CG Motive produces essential brand assets that enhance your visual identity and ensure coherence in all your communications.

Corporate Design: The Visual Voice of Your Brand

Corporate design is the visual foundation of your brand, making it distinctive. At CG Motive, we focus on precisely aligning every detail—from logos to marketing materials—to effectively communicate your company values. Our goal is to create a consistent and appealing visual identity that your target audience will immediately recognize and value.

Logo Design: Your Signature Mark

A strong logo is at the heart of your brand identity. It communicates your values and sticks in your audience’s memory. At CG Motive, we design logos that catch the eye and forge a genuine connection. Our goal-oriented design approach ensures that your logo is not only visually appealing but also functional and contemporary, perfectly tailored to your brand.

FITS International

The logo of FITS International is characterized by its modern and dynamic design, symbolizing professionalism and global connectivity. The clean lines and distinctive color choice enhance recognizability and emphasize the brand’s international focus.

2The Core Commercial Inspection

The logo of “2the Core Commercial Inspection” reflects the duality and professionalism of Bastian Steuer’s services. The design combines clean lines with a robust color palette, symbolizing strength and reliability in the commercial inspection industry.

M&E Services USA

The logo for M&E Services USA, featuring a hexagonal shape and bold colors, symbolizes the merger of two German companies. The power plug symbol emphasizes their technical expertise, while red and blue signify energy and reliability. This represents the blend of German precision and American innovation.

Gabriele Brandt Realtor®

The logo of Gabriele Brandt Realtor®

combines elegance and simplicity, symbolizing her focus on real estate through the clear depiction of a house. The blue color conveys professionalism and trust, while the minimalist design ensures clear and direct communication of the brand identity.

About Moments Photography

The logo for “About Moments Photography” is a stylized example of elegance and creative expression, perfectly suited for the world of photography. Its circular shapes and gentle lines symbolize a camera lens, capturing the essence of the moment.

Cody Hostetler Realty

The logo of Cody Hostetler Realty combines simplicity and symbolism by incorporating a house into the initials. This design emphasizes the core competency in real estate and offers a memorable visual identity that radiates professionalism and industry focus.


The logo of “Florida Hypno” is characterized by the silhouette of a head with wavy lines representing both the coastlines of Florida and the waves of hypnosis. This combination emphasizes the theme of hypnotherapy and invites you on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

On Point Home Inspector

The logo of “On Point Home Inspector” features the dynamic image of an eagle, symbolizing sharpness and precision—key qualities for a professional home inspector. The five stars underline the quality and reliability of the service, and the subtle color scheme conveys professionalism and trust.

The Davis Groupe

The logo for “The Davis Groupe” features bold, clear typography and uses red and blue, colors that symbolize professionalism and trust. The thoughtful layout and modern style of the logo reflect the commitment to quality and focus of The Davis Groupe.